Numeracy and Mathematics Workshops for Parents and Carers

We promote the enjoyment of Numeracy and Mathematics at school and we always encourage learners to use problem solving strategies to tackle calculations.
We are dedicated to raising attainment in Numeracy and Mathematics. One of the ways we have approached this is through Number Talks. We have also adopted Sumdog to promote mental agility. We continue to embed the Stages of Early Arithmetical Learning (SEAL) across Nursery to Primary 4.
You are key to raising attainment in Numeracy and Mathematics too. Confident parents and carers are key to promoting Numeracy and Mathematics in daily life. We invite you to join us in a series of drop in workshops over the next block. All workshops will be informally run by school staff and will directly promote the learning happening in our classrooms so that you can support at home.
Please consider the workshops that you are interested in and contact the school office on 0131 5542308 to book your place. You do not need to attend every workshop!


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