Lari Don Visits P4

Children’s author and Lorne Primary favourite Lari Don visited Primary 4 today to share ideas and stories along with answering questions and signing books.  Great fun was had by everyone.

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P5 & P5/6 Litter Picking for Earth Day

The children in Primary 5 and Primary 5/6 were out litter picking in the area around school with Angela from Changeworks.   The children managed to collect over 2 KG of rubbish including a large number of cigarette buts.  Well done boys and girls you have done a great job.

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P3a & b Anti-bullying Comic

Primary 3a and 3b have been working with Oak Note Theatre carrying out a series of ant-bullying workshops to create their own digital comic.  Here is the link to view their comic

Hope you enjoy viewing their hard work.  Well done boys and girls.

Leithers Don’t Litter

Lorne’s eco group were delighted to attend the Zero Waste Leith launch party in conjunction with Changeworks. We listened to lots of different guests speakers discussing how the organisation can help our local community to reduce litter, flytipping and food waste, and inspire more recycling, repairing and reusing.
During our evening we got to taste lots of different food from cafes and restaurants in our local community. We were able to look round the different stalls and very much enjoyed playing a recycling sorting game.
Finally we noticed at one stall, that we could adopt a street, a programme run by Leithers Don’t Litter. Naturally there was only one street for us; Lorne Street! We are looking forward to doing our very best and making sure our street is litter free.

New Staff Members

We are delighted to have appointed Mrs Gillian Styles to the role of Pupil Support Officer at Lorne Primary School. She will take up the role on Monday 19th February and is looking to working with learners and families.
We have also appointed a Principal Teacher to Lorne Primary School. Mr Mark Aitchison will teach Primary 5 four days a week and focus on development work across the school one day a week. We are very much looking forward to welcoming him to the staff team on Monday 19th February.